With over a million nonprofits in the US alone, trying to find where to give can be a daunting task. Research has also shown that uncertainty can deter people from giving. Organizations like Founders Pledge have devised well-researched and data-driven methodologies to help their donor community find impactful, effective, and transparent donation opportunities by curating portfolios of nonprofits doing exceptional work. Their methodology in finding the best donation opportunities includes best practices in impact assessment, drawing on the latest academic standards in social sciences, and evaluating charities creating the most effective impact. You can learn more about their methodology here: https://founderspledge.com/stories/our-approach-to-charity.
Historically these funds were only accessible to an exclusive set of people in an invite-only capacity, largely made up of a global community of entrepreneurs. However, today Founders Pledge and Every.org are proud to partner together to make their Climate Change Fund and Global Health and Development Fund portfolios accessible to everyone.

The objective of the Climate Change Fund is to sustainably reach net-zero emissions globally in order to save lives which would otherwise be lost to air pollution, create a future without energy poverty, and protect the planet for our children and grandchildren. Founders Pledge developed the Global Health and Development Fund in order to fund time-sensitive, high-impact funding opportunities focused on improving the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people, reducing the number of easily preventable deaths, and working towards sustainable systemic change. You can learn more about each fund at: https://founderspledge.com/funds.
We also want to highlight many community foundations addressing the needs of many during COVID-19. California Community Foundation is one foundation doing just that. Their focus and expertise in community-driven systems approach creates long lasting change for Los Angeles. Their Pass It Along portfolio highlights their expertise and knowledge of organizations addressing the region’s most vulnerable residents and communities in need during the pandemic. You can learn more about the Pass It Along portfolio here: https://www.calfund.org/covid-19/.

Our goal is to bring the concept of effective giving to everyone and share Founders Pledges’ and California Community Foundations’ best in class expertise to the general public. Through these portfolios, you are able to donate to each nonprofit listed in the portfolio or donate to the portfolio as a whole. By donating to the portfolio directly, which is managed by experts in high-impact philanthropy, Founders Pledge and California Community Foundation will grant the money based on when and where it’s needed most.
At Every.org, we are committed to expanding access to the best researched and managed funds available to help people feel more confident that their giving is making an effective impact. As Sam Carter, the Fund Manager and Research Advisor at Founders Pledge, shared, “We’re thrilled to be partnering with Every.org to make it easy for anyone to support these outstanding organizations. Contributions to the Founders Pledge funds will unlock impact on a scale beyond that which is available to individual donors.”
We invite other organizations, cause experts, and passionate advocates to contact us if you are interested in creating your own portfolio for free.