$1.95M Raised in November for #FallGivingChallenge 2021

That’s a wrap! Thank you to the Every.org community for participating in the #FallGivingChallenge.

Over 4,000 of you participated in the #FallGivingChallenge and supported over 1,000 nonprofits across the United States throughout November and on Giving Tuesday. All of the matching funds—which grew from $250k to $620k—were fully utilized.

In total, our community raised $1.95M in the month of November, culminating and contributing to a record-breaking 2021 GivingTuesday. We have heard from many nonprofits who are grateful to you all for aiding in their mission. A full 73% of respondents reported their gift as counterfactual, meaning they would not have donated without Every.org and #FallGivingChallenge, putting the total amount of additional funding for the charitable sector at roughly 1.4M.

We saw communities like Effective Altruism and ssamotorr rally for their favorite causes and increasing awareness through donations and shares.

We saw nonprofits, big and small, participate and benefit from the campaign. The top 3 matched nonprofits were GiveWell, The Against Malaria Foundation, and GiveDirectly. Coming in at #4 was ​​every.org/bubsworld, which was a list of 4 nonprofits! For more details on where matching funds went, check out the dashboard here.

We are also deeply grateful to the generous donors who created this opportunity by funding the matching pool for #FallGivingChallenge, and those that stepped up and continued to donate funds to ensure that more organizations and donors could participate in the campaign all throughout November.

The Dyslexia Reading Center of Central Pennsylvania wrote in to say:

“We are such a small nonprofit with a small core group of loyal donors. Since we’re so small, we typically only have a yearly opportunity for donation-matching... The #FallGivingChallenge has given little guys like us a chance to receive the matching... a huge THANK YOU to the donors who contributed to the pool!”

We hope that this moment inspires people to continue to support organizations and causes they are passionate about, both with their money and their voices.

Thank you to nonprofits for allowing us to be a small piece to your larger mission in changing the world.

Thank you donors for spreading the news and giving through Every.org.

As we close off 2021, we are forever grateful to our growing community who believe in all these incredible organizations and in us.